March 16, 2024, Governor Bridge — Prince George's Audubon Society

March 16, 2024, Governor Bridge

This was a really nice day for birding!  You could feel the spring coming with first of year sightings of a Brown Thrasher and some early wildflowers popping up near the river.  We had good looks at Bald Eagle, Cooper’s Hawk, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers, and the cooperative Brown Thrasher.

In a surprise upset, the Bird of the Day honors went to… the Virginia Bluebells!  Crazy, right?  Normally we take the path along the river during our April Walk to see the wildflowers with the Virginia Bluebells being the star attraction.  But from the Good Spot, we could already see large patches of Bluebells on the Anne Arundel side of the river.  That triggered us to take an abbreviated side trip to the river path near the big pond.  May Apples, Tooth Wort, Trout Lily, Spring Beauties, and Virginia Bluebells  - all in early stages - were seen.  If you are into wildflowers, suggest you don’t wait for the April GBNA walk to visit that path or you will miss the peak bloom.

The complete list of 44 species seen is shown below – color coded with birds seen on both the February walk and March walk in green, and birds seen on the March walk but not the February walk in blue.

 At the bottom – color coded in orange – are the 2 species seen on the February walk but not the March walk.

Note: Our political representatives have exceeded expectations and avoided a government shutdown, so we will be meeting at the National Wildlife Visitor Center for the April 6th Bird Walk instead of the Fran Uhler Natural Area!  Expect to return to Fran Uhler Natural Area once the Horsepen Path reopens.  The latest date on the path reopening is “Spring of 2024”. 


Great Blue Heron

Black Vulture

Turkey Vulture

Canada Goose

Wood Duck


Hooded Merganser

Bald Eagle

Cooper's Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Ring-billed Gull

Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove

Barred Owl

Belted Kingfisher

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Northern Flicker

Pileated Woodpecker

Eastern Phoebe

Blue Jay

American Crow

Fish Crow

Carolina Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

Carolina Wren

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Eastern Bluebird

American Robin

Brown Thrasher

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Eastern Towhee

Fox Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Northern Cardinal

Red-winged Blackbird

Common Grackle

Brown-headed Cowbird

American Goldfinch


Two Species seen in Feb and not on this March walk

Gull (sp)

Winter Wren


