The Prince George’s Audubon Society and Patuxent Bird Club are pleased to feature Dr. Matthew C. Perry presenting: Churchill, Manitoba, Birds, Bears, and Belugas.
- The meeting will be held via Zoom starting at 7 PM. Scroll down for link
- Prior to the speaker, there will be time for informal chat among members and a brief business meeting.
- The public Is welcome to attend!
The talk by Matt Perry is based on 13 trips he made to Churchill, Manitoba, in conjunction with his research on seaducks, but also as a leader of ecotours. Most of his time was devoted to Long-tailed Ducks, but in the process, he had exciting experiences with many species of birds, as well as bears and belugas. His program will reveal the importance of this sub-tundra area to all groups of wildlife, while presenting highlights of his studies with ducks. The Churchill area provides the geography, climate, vegetation, and invertebrates that make it outstanding habitat for a great diversity of birds and other wildlife, including charismatic species like polar bears and belugas.
About the Presenter: Dr. Matthew C. Perry is a Scientist Emeritus at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Dr. Perry’s love of birds was a constant throughout his life and resulted in him choosing to major in wildlife management at the University of Rhode Island. He also earned an MS degree in wildlife management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a PhD in avian science from the University of Maryland. Matt served as an officer in the US Navy during the mid-1960s and spent many hours cruising off the coast of South Vietnam. Later Matt worked at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland, where he conducted numerous research studies, mainly in waterfowl nutrition, Chesapeake Bay ecology, and in the management, restoration, and creation of wildlife habitat. His last official research projects dealt with a study of seaducks in the Atlantic Flyway, which included a nutrition study of captive ducks and a satellite telemetry tracking study with wild ducks. Matt retired after 45 years with the Federal government, but as an emeritus scientist continues to publish research articles, and recently completed a research project in Argentina dealing with satellite telemetry of ducks. Matt is a founding member of the Prince George’s Audubon Society and a long-time member of Patuxent Bird Club and MOS.
Pre-registration is NOT required to join the online meeting, which will be held via Zoom. Please use this link to log-in:
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