5:00 PM17:00

[Bird Walk] Luther Goldman Birding Trail at Lake Artemesia

The Prince George's Audubon Society leads mid-week bird walks every 1st and 3rd Thursday at the Luther Goldman Birding Trail at Lake Artemesia.  In the fall and winter months (Sept. - March) walks will begin at 3:00 PM, and in the spring and summer months (April - August) they will start at 6:00 PM.  Meet at the parking lot at Berwyn Road and Ballew Ave. in Berwyn Heights.  For beginners and experts.  Bird checklist available. 

Directions: From the Capital Beltway (I-95), take Kenilworth Avenue (Rt. 201) south for 0.5 mile. Turn right on Greenbelt Road (Rt. 193) following it 0.75 miles. Turn right onto Branchville Rd. after Beltway Plaza (see sign for Lake Artemesia), following it for 0.7 miles. The road will bear left and left again crossing under Greenbelt Rd. where it changes into Ballew Ave. Just after the stop sign at Berwyn Rd., turn left into the parking lot for Lake Artemesia. Use parking lot across from 5411 Berwyn Rd, Berwyn Heights, MD. The lake, not visible from the parking lot, is further down Ballew Avenue. Walk along bike path into park.

No reservations needed. 

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[Bird Walk] Luther Goldman Birding Trail at Lake Artemesia
5:00 PM17:00

[Bird Walk] Luther Goldman Birding Trail at Lake Artemesia

  • Luther Goldman Trail at Lake Artemesia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Prince George's Audubon Society leads mid-week bird walks every 1st and 3rd Thursday at the Luther Goldman Birding Trail at Lake Artemesia.  In the fall and winter months (Sept. - March) walks will begin at 3:00 PM, and in the spring and summer months (April - August) they will start at 6:00 PM.  Meet at the parking lot at Berwyn Road and Ballew Ave. in Berwyn Heights.  For beginners and experts.  Bird checklist available. 

Directions: From the Capital Beltway (I-95), take Kenilworth Avenue (Rt. 201) south for 0.5 mile. Turn right on Greenbelt Road (Rt. 193) following it 0.75 miles. Turn right onto Branchville Rd. after Beltway Plaza (see sign for Lake Artemesia), following it for 0.7 miles. The road will bear left and left again crossing under Greenbelt Rd. where it changes into Ballew Ave. Just after the stop sign at Berwyn Rd., turn left into the parking lot for Lake Artemesia. Use parking lot across from 5411 Berwyn Rd, Berwyn Heights, MD. The lake, not visible from the parking lot, is further down Ballew Avenue. Walk along bike path into park.

No reservations needed. 

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[Bird Walk] Governor Bridge Natural Area
7:30 AM07:30

[Bird Walk] Governor Bridge Natural Area

Walks take place on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Meet at park entrance at 7:30 a.m. No reservations needed.

Governor Bridge Natural Area offers a wide variety of habitats -- mature riparian woodlands, second growth scrub, open grassy fields, and small ponds and creeks. This area of Patuxent River Park is co-managed by PGAS and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.


From the South: Take Rt. 301 North.  Turn right on Governor Bridge Rd. just before the Rt. 50 intersection.  Follow Governor Bridge Rd. one mile to park entrance on the right.

From the North:  Take Rt. 3 South.  Just after the Rt. 50 intersection, turn left on Governor Bridge Rd.  Follow Governor Bridge Rd. one mile to park entrance on the right.

From the East or West:  Take Rt. 50 to Rt. 301 South.   Immediately get into the left lane for the left turn onto Governor Bridge Rd.  Follow Governor Bridge Rd. one mile to park entrance on the right.

If you come to the bridge, you've gone too far.

If you have questions, contact trip leader Bill Sefton at kiwisuits@msn.com or 240-603-5201.

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7:00 PM19:00

MOVIE NIGHT--click for more detail

Please join us for a Meet and Greet at 7pm on Zoom with all our bird club members. We will discuss upcoming Bird Counts and share bird sightings. At 7:30 pm we will screen the PBS Nature episode "Woodpeckers- The Hole Story" narrated by Paul Giamatti.  It runs about 53 minutes and highlights more than 200 different species of wonderful woodpeckers! 

Please come join us, won't you?  Link for the evening is here.

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7:00 PM19:00

Winter Waterfowl of the Chesapeake Bay


Presented by Lisa Bierer-Garrett

This program is about the exciting world of Winter Waterfowl Birding.  It starts with identification of the various waterfowl seen in the area — Ducks, Geese, Loons, Grebes, Swans, Coots and finishes with a conservation message.

 Lisa Bierer-Garrett is a Professional Naturalist, a long time member of Prince George’s Audubon Society and is currently serving as the President of the club.The Wood Duck was her ” Spark Bird” at 10 years old she realized there were many other types of ducks beyond mallards. She bought her first Field Guide- Chan Robbins* Guide to Eastern Birds *at a bookstore at the Mall in Pittsburgh PA and she was off birding!!

Zoom link here

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10:00 AM10:00

City of Hyattsville Walking Tour: Environmental and Community Beautification Projects

Our chapter is co-hosting this walking tour to feature residential projects that are helping to absorb rainwater, protect the water quality of local streams and rivers, provide native habitat to wildlife, reduce flooding and beautify the community. Register for the guided tour here: https://bit.ly/hyattsvilletour or come to Driskell Park to pick up a map for the self-guided tour.

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 2024 Hybrid Program, Rising Tides – can habitat restoration save Maryland’s coastal birds from Sea Level Rise?
7:00 PM19:00

2024 Hybrid Program, Rising Tides – can habitat restoration save Maryland’s coastal birds from Sea Level Rise?

David Curson, Audubon Mid-Atlantic, Coastal Program Director will be the speaker for this program It will be held in person at the College Park Airport Terminal Building and will also be on Zoom.

Maryland’s coastal colonial waterbirds, such as Black Skimmer and Common Tern, have been steadily declining in recent decades due largely to erosion of their nesting islands. At the same time, salt marsh birds, including Black Rail and Saltmarsh Sparrow, are in freefall as their tidal marsh habitats become submerged by climate-driven sea level rise. Audubon, and its partners, is racing against the clock to put habitat restoration strategies in place and create resilient salt marshes and coastal islands that can sustain their unique bird communities in an uncertain future. These strategies include artificial nesting islands, raising marsh levels with sediment, and ambitious planning.

See more about this speaker here.

The gathering will begin at  7 p.m. and the presentation for all will begin at 7:30. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 4310 3185
Passcode: 821612

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Members' Night
7:00 PM19:00

Members' Night

Tuesday, June 13, 7:30 pm – Zoom opens at at 7:00 pm for informal social time before photo presentations. 
Annual Members Night.

Members of Patuxent Bird Club and PGAS will share their photos of birds and birding. This is our annual Members’ Night, when bird club members share their photos of birds and birding. Members will tell tales to accompany their photos. 

Special note to photographers: If you wish to share your photos during the meeting, you must personally participate in the meeting and show your photos yourself. Plan to share up to ten photos, saying a few words about each photo. If you wish to show photos, please send an email to Marcia Watson (marshwren50@comcast.net) no later than Monday, June 5th so that there is time to arrange the agenda and to have a practice session for sharing your photos over Zoom.

PBC & PGAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PBC & PGAS Monthly Meeting

Time: Jun 13, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 849 2234 0701

Passcode: 245712

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,84922340701# US (Washington DC)

+19292056099,,84922340701# US (New York)

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 849 2234 0701

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Red Knot Field trip
9:00 AM09:00

Red Knot Field trip

Fred Fallon has again agreed to lead the joint Patuxent Bird Club, PGAS field trip to search for Red Knots in the Delaware Bay. Meet at the visitor center parking lot at Bombay Hook at 9 am. We will first explore Bombay Hook and then move south ending at the Dupont Nature Center near Milford. This trip has always produced exciting birds including numerous Red Knots. Advance registration not required. Just appear!

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PGAS Board meeting
7:00 PM19:00

PGAS Board meeting

PGAS’ next board meeting will be held Wednesday, May 10 starting at 7 p,m.

This meeting is open to anyone who desires to attend. The tentative agenda is as follows: 1 President’s report, 2 Treasurer’s report, 3 Habitat committee report about both advising and website revision, 4, Migration Festival, 5, Changing our name: Everyone must talk about the process for the decision and their views, 6 old business, 7 new business including joint meetings and trips without Marcia’s leadership of the PBC. We may not reach every item on the agenda!! We will try to end the meeting at 8:15. Regardless of where we are at, the meeting will end at 8:30 pm.

Here is the zoom invitation

PBC & PGAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PGAS Board Meeting

Time: May 10, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 822 6884 4474

Passcode: 400193

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,82268844474# US (Washington DC)

+13092053325,,82268844474# US

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

+1 309 205 3325 US

+1 646 931 3860 US

Meeting ID: 822 6884 4474

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Hog Island Experiences
7:00 PM19:00

Hog Island Experiences

This zoom meeting will open at 7 p.m. for an informal gathering with the presentation to begin at 7:30 pm.

In 2022, Patuxent Bird Club sponsored two people for Audubon’s Hog Island camps: Genny Davis, who was at the time a Civilian Conservation Corps intern at Patuxent Research Refuge, and Ayla McDonough, a research assistant with Patuxent River Park. The two of them will report their experiences at the camp. Each will speak for 20 to 30 minutes with time for questions.

PBC & PGAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PBC & PGAS Monthly Meeting

Time: May 9, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 892 2388 7725

Passcode: 725505

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,89223887725# US (Washington DC)

+13052241968,,89223887725# US

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 892 2388 7725

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Bird Song variation and evolution focusing on female traits
7:00 PM19:00

Bird Song variation and evolution focusing on female traits

Tuesday, April 11, 7:30 pm – Zoom opens at at 7:00 pm for informal social time before speaker
Bird Songs Evolution in Male and Female Birds
Presented by Dr. Karan Odom

The guest speaker, Dr. Karan Odom, is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Maryland College Park. She is a behavioral ecologist interested in the evolution of elaborate traits. Specifically, she examines how complex bird song varies between females and males throughout songbird species and what selection pressures have influenced the evolution of elaborate female traits.

PBC & PGAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PBC & PGAS Monthly Meeting

Time: Apr 11, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 844 6328 4250

Passcode: 356203

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,84463284250# US (Washington DC)

+13052241968,,84463284250# US

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

+1 305 224 1968 US

+1 309 205 3325 US

Meeting ID: 844 6328 4250

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BARC Bird Walk led by Michel Cavigelli
7:00 AM07:00

BARC Bird Walk led by Michel Cavigelli

We will meet at 7 am at the BARC (Beltsville Agricultural Research Center) Log Lodge. Note that the gate on Powder Mill Rd may be closed, so you may have to arrive by the South, i.e., by Beaver Dam Rd. 

Google Map location of the parking lot: https://goo.gl/maps/ez3eTewfV3VL7p8A7

We will likely bird near the lodge for ~1/2h then move to different locations (based on where birds have been seen recently), so arrive before 7:30.

We will bird until 10 but you will be able to leave anytime. Space for this trip is limited. Please email Michel Cavigelli <michel.cavigelli@yahoo.com to reserve your spot.

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Audubon Wildlife Habitat Information Session
7:00 PM19:00

Audubon Wildlife Habitat Information Session

Be ready for spring by attending our virtual Audubon Wildlife Habitat Information Session! Learn about available resources and support from the Prince George’s County Audubon Society to transform your yard into a sustainable ecosystem that’s a safe home for native plants, insects, and birds. Email audubonwildlifehabitat@gmail.org to register and receive the link.

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Maryland Biodiversity Project
7:00 PM19:00

Maryland Biodiversity Project

Tuesday, March 14, 7:30 pm – Zoom opens at at 7:00 pm for informal social time before speaker
Maryland Biodiversity Project
Present by Jim Brighton 

The guest speaker, Jim Brighton, is the co-founder, with Bill Hubick, of the Maryland Biodiversity Project (MBP), a unique statewide initiative to create an atlas of all the state’s living things. MBP is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Jim will talk about milestones reached during the first 10 years and some exciting new projectsPBC & PGAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PBC & PGAS Monthly Meeting

Time: Mar 14, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 883 7268 2105

Passcode: 459198

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,88372682105# US (Washington DC)

+13052241968,,88372682105# US

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

+1 305 224 1968 US

+1 309 205 3325 US

Meeting ID: 883 7268 2105

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Gulls of North America by Fred Shaffer
7:00 PM19:00

Gulls of North America by Fred Shaffer

Prince George’s Audubon Society and the Patuxent Bird Club are honored to present Fred Shaffer as our featured February speaker.  Fred Shaffer has worked for M-NCPPC for over 25 years and for the majority of that time has focused on bicycle, pedestrian, and trails issues. He has also worked with the National Park Service for over twenty years to implement the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail in Prince George’s County.  During all this time Fred also studied and photographed almost all of the Gulls of North America.  He has presented his unique perspective on Gull identification complete with photos, charts, descriptions, and plumage information in his book Gulls of North America.  Fred’s presentation has captured his audiences.  Wherever he may be, Fred is always willing to share his knowledge with others.  Thank you Fred for agreeing to talk with us. 

February Bird Club Meeting Information

The February meeting of the Patuxent Bird Club and Prince George’s Audubon Society will be held on Tuesday, February 14, starting at 7 PM. 
- The meeting will be held via Zoom - scroll down for link.. 
- Prior to the speaker, there will be time for informal chat among members and a brief business meeting. 
- The public Is welcome to attend. 

The guest speaker, Fred Shaffer, is the author of the recently published Gulls of North America. Fred's presentation will focus on how his daily bird walks at Schoolhouse Pond in Upper Marlboro led to an interest in gulls found throughout North America and beyond.

Pre-registration is NOT required to join the online meeting, which will be held via Zoom.  Please use this link to log-in:


Meeting ID: 851 7956 1046
Passcode: 812137
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,85179561046# US (Washington DC)
+16469313860,,85179561046# US

Dial by your location
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

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I Bird, I Vote
9:00 AM09:00

I Bird, I Vote

 Audubon Mid-Atlantic will be hosting I Bird I Vote at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation on Saturday, February 11, 2023.  Plan to attend this in person event (and possibly streamed) at the Philip Merrill Environmental Center, 6 Herndon Ave., Annapolis, MD 21403.  The links in this post are not active. Please contact Tess Wilson at tess.wilson@audubon.org for an active link or alternative registration information.

Dear Friend, 

Audubon Mid-Atlantic invites you to attend Maryland’s annual I Bird I Vote Conservation Summit on Saturday, February 11th, 2023 from 9:00am until 4:00pm. We’ll be meeting in person at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation headquarters in Annapolis, MD. 

Environmental advocates including Maryland Senator Sarah Elfreth, Maryland League of Conservation Voters’ Political Director Kristen Harbeson, and National Audubon Society’s Senior Director of Govt. Affairs Jesse Walls and Senior Director of the Migratory Bird Initiative Jill Deppe will join together to speak on policy priorities that will address the impact that climate change and habitat loss have had on birds. Other speakers will include Audubon Mid-Atlantic staff, elected officials, and leaders of Maryland environmental organizations.

This event will provide an opportunity to learn how to advocate for Maryland’s birds and the places they need to survive. Registration is $30 per person, and will include coffee, snacks, lunch, and admission to all sessions. 

The day will start with an optional bird walk led by Audubon Mid-Atlantic's Dave Curson at 8:00am, followed by Audubon chapter updates and mingling over coffee and snacks with National Audubon Society’s Gregoriah Hartman.

We’ll begin the day’s programming with a warm welcome from Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s leadership and a strategic plan update and welcome from Audubon Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Suzanne Biemiller.  

11:00am – We'll hear from Sen. Sarah Elfreth and other elected leaders about their priorities for Maryland’s Environment. (More to be announced soon.)

After a boxed lunch and networking hour, we’ll reconvene to hear from: 

1:00pm: Kristen Harbeson of Maryland League of Conservation Voters, Josh Hastings of Forever Maryland, and Mark Southerland of Safe Skies Maryland – 2023 Bird and Conservation Policy Panel for Maryland.

2:00pm: Jesse Walls and Jill Deppe, Audubon – National Audubon Society 2023 Federal Policy Priorities and an overview of the Migratory Bird Explorer Tool. 

3:00pm: Dave Curson, Audubon Mid-Atlantic Director of Bird Conservation – Local Conservation Update on Audubon’s Coastal Conservation Work. (Additional speakers to be announced soon.)

4:00pm: Jim Brown, Audubon Mid-Atlantic Policy Director – Closing Remarks 

*exact times subject to change

If you have any questions, please email Tess Wilson (tess.wilson@audubon.org). 

Register for your spot today, and we’ll see you in a couple weeks! 

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7:00 PM19:00

Plant Native This Spring

Audubon Bird-Friendly Habitat Certification

Be ready for spring by attending a virtual Audubon Wildlife Habitat Information Session.  Learn about available resources and support from the Prince George’s County Audubon Society to transform your yard into a sustainable ecosystem that’s a safe home for native plants, insects, and birds. Register at hyattsville.org/enviro-education.

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Saving Grassland Birds in Southern Maryland
7:00 PM19:00

Saving Grassland Birds in Southern Maryland

 Tuesday, January 10 , 7:30 pm – Zoom opens at at 7:00 pm for informal social time before speaker 
Saving Grassland Birds in Southern Maryland, presented by David Moulton.

Mr. Moulton is a board member of the Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust.  That organization is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  The Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust preserves rural lands for current and future generations through conservation easements and environmental stewardships.  It concentrates its efforts in southern Maryland.  The Maryland Board of Public Works approved an award of over $2 million to acquire conservation easements in Northern St. Mary’s county.  We look forward to learning how the trust’s efforts help save and preserve the state’s grassland birds.

 The zoom link:

PBC & PGAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PBC & PGAS Monthly Meeting

Time: Jan 10, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 837 5996 3457

Passcode: 290442

Dial by your location

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 646 931 3860 US

Meeting ID: 837 5996 3457



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Annual Film Night  "Golden Eagles, Witnesses to a Changing West"
7:00 PM19:00

Annual Film Night "Golden Eagles, Witnesses to a Changing West"

Sign into zoom at 7 for our informal gathering, then enjoy the film.

The film takes you in the field with eagle researchers in Wyoming as they strive to discover how the birds are adapting to the many challenges facing them: climate change to sprawl, lead poisoning, energy development. Rappel into eagle nests; go behind the scenes at wildlife rehabilitation centers; hear stories of Indigenous peoples’ connections to the eagle. Cinematographers Melissa and David Rohm carefully constructed their vision for the film by capturing some truly unique and stunning portraits of the eagles and their habitat in the sagebrush steppe. The film is narrated by well-known naturalist Kenn Kaufman.

This program, sponsored by Patuxent Bird Club and PGAS, will be presented via Zoom and is free and open to the public. There is no need to pre-register for this meeting. Simply sign in to Zoom using this link:


If joining by phone, dial +1 301 715 8592 (Maryland & Washington DC area), meeting ID 858 4996 8649.

Or use one of the following depending on your location:

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston

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Piscataway Park
8:00 AM08:00

Piscataway Park

The mouth of the Piscataway Creek at the Potomac River is one of the best spots in PG County for wintering waterfowl and gulls. The parking lot at the Wharf Road fishing area (aka Farmington Landing) is gravel-surfaced; birding will be near the parked cars and is wheelchair-accessible. There may also be a short stroll for landbirds on a section of the paved road. Opportunities for side-trips to other parts of the national park afterward. If the Black-throated Gray Warbler is still here, we will search for it. We will also bird Piscataway Boardwalk along the Potomac across from Mt. Vernon. Bring scopes and snacks. Leader Ken Cohen (kvulture@aol.com). Reservations not needed. Meet at the Fishing Area at the north end of Wharf Road at 8 am. Click here for Google map and directions.

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POPUP Anacostia River Park Walk, Sunday.  11/20/22 7:30 am
7:30 AM07:30

POPUP Anacostia River Park Walk, Sunday. 11/20/22 7:30 am

For this POPUP event We'll check the Anacostia River at Bladensburg for early waterfowl and gulls, and then stroll down the Anacostia River Trail, which passes through shrubby fields and wetlands - excellent habitat for sparrows and marshland birds. Round trip distance of about 2.5 miles. Trail is paved and wheelchair-accessible. Leader Kevin Bennett (kevinfpbennett@gmail.com). Reservations not needed. Meet at 7:30 AM at the pavilion at Bladensburg Waterfront Park, off MD Route 450 just west of MD Route 201. Click here for Google map and directions.

Please scroll down for our current events.  PGAS’ Wildlife Habitat Program and its monthly Lake Artemesia, Fran Uhler, and Governor Bridge bird walks continue throughout the year.  Other events will appear after the reader scrolls past these events. At times events will appear earliest first in a month. Keep scrolling for later events.

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Exploring and Birding Puerto Rico presented by Matt Felperin
7:00 PM19:00

Exploring and Birding Puerto Rico presented by Matt Felperin

Tuesday, November 8, 7:30 pm – Zoom opens at at 7:00 pm for informal social time before speaker 
Exploring and Birding Puerto Rico
Presented by Matt Felperin

The zoom link for this meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84402694768?pwd=ZFRlS0xXeWM1OXB4ZWVxczRMVFdRUT09

In January 2022, Matt was lucky enough to be gifted a spot for a guided birding tour of Puerto Rico. Due to the island’s diligent COVID protocols and its status as a U.S. territory, it was a perfect place to travel to during the pandemic. Because of the island’s small size, there is a lot of ground that can be covered in a week’s time. The group was able to observe all ~17 endemic birds on the island in addition to several other “lifers” for Matt. In this presentation, Matt will share vivid, high-resolution photographs of wildlife and scenery he encountered, in addition to tips on how to bird this island paradise on your own!

About the presenter: Matt Felperin is a D.C. area local, raised in Takoma Park, MD.  He is the Roving Naturalist with NOVA Parks, the regional park system of Northern Virginia. Matt credits working under naturalist Greg Kearns for sparking his love of birds. As the NOVA Parks Roving Naturalist, Matt leads environmental education and recreation programs such as bird walks and kayak tours for the public. He views his wildlife photography work as one of the most useful tools to connect people with nature. Matt serves as the Coordinator of the Fall Bird Count for our chapter, and also manages our Facebook page. 

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Churchill, Manitoba: Birds, Bears, and Belugas
7:00 PM19:00

Churchill, Manitoba: Birds, Bears, and Belugas

The Prince George’s Audubon Society and Patuxent Bird Club are pleased to  feature Dr. Matthew C. Perry presenting:  Churchill, Manitoba, Birds, Bears, and Belugas.   
- The meeting will be held via Zoom starting at 7 PM. Scroll down for link
- Prior to the speaker, there will be time for informal chat among members and a brief business meeting.
- The public Is welcome to attend!

The talk by Matt Perry is based on 13 trips he made to Churchill, Manitoba, in conjunction with his research on seaducks, but also as a leader of ecotours. Most of his time was devoted to Long-tailed Ducks, but in the process, he had exciting experiences with many species of birds, as well as bears and belugas. His program will reveal the importance of this sub-tundra area to all groups of wildlife, while presenting highlights of his studies with ducks. The Churchill area provides the geography, climate, vegetation, and invertebrates that make it outstanding habitat for a great diversity of birds and other wildlife, including charismatic species like polar bears and belugas.

About the Presenter: Dr. Matthew C. Perry is a Scientist Emeritus at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Dr. Perry’s love of birds was a constant throughout his life and resulted in him choosing to major in wildlife management at the University of Rhode Island. He also earned an MS degree in wildlife management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a PhD in avian science from the University of Maryland. Matt served as an officer in the US Navy during the mid-1960s and spent many hours cruising off the coast of South Vietnam. Later Matt worked at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland, where he conducted numerous research studies, mainly in waterfowl nutrition, Chesapeake Bay ecology, and in the management, restoration, and creation of wildlife habitat. His last official research projects dealt with a study of seaducks in the Atlantic Flyway, which included a nutrition study of captive ducks and a satellite telemetry tracking study with wild ducks. Matt retired after 45 years with the Federal government, but as an emeritus scientist continues to publish research articles, and recently completed a research project in Argentina dealing with satellite telemetry of ducks. Matt is a founding member of the Prince George’s Audubon Society and a long-time member of Patuxent Bird Club and MOS.

Pre-registration is NOT required to join the online meeting, which will be held via Zoom.  Please use this link to log-in:

Meeting ID: 847 7911 0305

Passcode: 001085
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,84779110305# US (New York)
+16469313860,,84779110305# US

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 444 9171 US
Meeting ID: 847 7911 0305


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50 Year celebration of supporting birds and their habitat
9:00 AM09:00

50 Year celebration of supporting birds and their habitat

Prince Georges Audubon Society Celebrates 50 Years of Birding

1972 - 2022

Mi Casa es Su Casa



9 am - 12pm

Lake Artemesia Park

Berwyn Road & 55th Ave., Berwyn Heights, MD 20740

Schedule of Events

· 7:30am Bird walk

· 9:00am EVENT OPENS

· 10:00am Family bilingual Nature walk - introducing iNaturalist app

· 10:00am -12:00pm Live birds of prey from Watkins Nature Center

· 11:00am Birds of Prey talk with park naturalist

· Door prizes throughout event

· Butterfly life cycle display

· Audubon Plants for Birds display

· Home habitat advisors

· Telescope fun


Fun Stuff for Families!

• Bird coloring mural & cool crafts

• Make a pair of recycled binoculars!

• Bilingual Activities

• Spanish/English Nature Bingo pages

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Birding Ecuador
7:00 PM19:00

Birding Ecuador

Tuesday, September 13, 7:30 pm

Birding Ecuador presented by Jane and Fred Fallon

Sign in to Zoom at 7:00 pm for informal social time before our speakers.

Use link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87163167227?pwd=VGk5aDFLNlordGZ5VTh2M20vYlVEdz09

If Joining by phone:   dial +1 301 715 8592 (Maryland & Washington DC area), meeting ID 858 4996 8649   

While further afield than Costa Rica or Panama as a neotropical birding destination, Ecuador is becoming increasingly popular with North American birders. One of South America’s smaller countries, it is nonetheless larger than the UK; about the size of Colorado. Within that area is a wide variety of habitat, a consequence of the Andes Mountains bisecting the country and creating distinct zones of high and low altitude, and wet and dry forests – including a good chunk of Amazonian rainforest. As a result, the country’s species list is over 1,600 (of which 200 are migrants from North America), comparing favorably with such giants as Colombia and Venezuela. In this talk, examples of native species will be illustrated, with emphasis on the different families represented and their relation to habitat regions. Fred and Jane will also cover living conditions, infrastructure, and tips on travel. 

About the Presenters: Jane Fallon earned a BS at Michigan State University and an MS in Mathematics at The Ohio State University. After working in Chicago for a couple of years she moved to Maryland. She likes to be outside whether birding, botanizing, hiking, kayaking, or gardening. Jane retired from Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in 2013.

Fred has a PhD in astronomy from the University of Florida and has conducted research at the University of South Florida, Goddard Space Flight Center, and NOAA. He is a native of this area where he started birding at age 14, and got really serious about 40 years ago after joining MOS and PGAS. Fred has long been active in bird conservation, for several years leading the MD Partners in Flight Habitat Committee, where he was proud to have helped write the ground-breaking manual “Habitat Management Guidelines for the Benefit of Land Birds in Maryland” in collaboration with great regional experts. While on a PGAS canoe trip, Fred met future wife Jane. Since then, they’ve birded together for over 30 years and been active in our Patuxent chapter. They’ve been happy taking a few excursions far afield such as this trip to Ecuador

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Shorebirds starting at Bombay Hook  with Marcia Watson and Gene Scarpulla - Rescheduled Date!!
9:00 AM09:00

Shorebirds starting at Bombay Hook with Marcia Watson and Gene Scarpulla - Rescheduled Date!!

Trip Cancelled!! Due to illness the leaders of this trip are unable to attend. We hope to reschedule it in the future.

Saturday August 20, 9 AM. Full day trip. Bombay Hook and other Delaware Bay locations for shorebirds and waders. Gene Scarpulla and Marcia Watson will lead a trip to Bombay Hook at the height of the fall shorebird migration; this is also a good time to pick up interesting rare waders such as Tricolored Heron or White Ibis. This will mostly be a drive-and-park type trip with very little walking, but will require standing. Feel free to bring a small folding stool or lawn chair if you prefer to sit instead of stand. In addition to binoculars, bring spotting scope, sunscreen, hat, long-sleeved shirt & pants, as well as lunch, drinks, and snacks. Also cash for Bombay Hook entrance fee ($4/vehicle), or use a current Duck Stamp or Federal permit. Meet at Bombay Hook Visitor Center parking area at 9 AM. Reservations required; please RSVP to Marcia Watson (marshwren50@comcast.net) no later than Monday August 15. May be cancelled or postponed in the event of heavy rain but will proceed as scheduled if there is light rain. For directions, see https://www.friendsofbombayhook.org/visitorinfo.html. Be aware of the toll at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge; the bridge no longer has cash toll lanes and all tolls are collected through EZPass or Video Tolling.

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Patuxent Research Refuge South Tract
7:30 AM07:30

Patuxent Research Refuge South Tract

Patuxent Research Refuge South Tract 6/25/22 at 7:30 am with Ken Cohen


Meet in the parking lot at 7:30 am to Join Ken Cohen for a morning walk around Patuxent Research Refuge’s South Tract.  We will search for Yellow-throated and Red-eyed Vireos, Common Yellowthroats, Indigo Buntings, Bluebirds and other birds.  We will concentrate on singing birds.  Load Merlin into your apps.  At the end of the morning those who continue will walk the proposed Chan Robbins Trail and obtain updated information about the improvements financed by Friends of Patuxent Research Refuge.  Wear a hat, bring your water bottle, insect repellent, and wear appropriate clothing.  Please inform Ken Cohen of your intention to join this walk by sending him an email at kvulture@aol.com


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Members Night - Share your photos
7:00 PM19:00

Members Night - Share your photos

It is time to gather over zoom and share our photos.  Ken Cohen will be hosting this meeting.  Please try to inform him in advance if you have photos to share. His email is kvulture@aol.com.  The unofficial limit is 10 photos, but that limit is not strict.

It is easy to share screens, just have your photos ready to show on your computer.  The link is: 


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