Audubon Acting CEO Elizabeth Gray's Introductory Letter

On 4/20/2021 Audubon’s prospective acting CEO sent chapter leaders the following letter:

Dear Audubon Chapter Leaders, 

I am writing to share the news that the National Audubon Society’s board of directors has announced that David Yarnold will step down as CEO, effective May 14. 

Over the course of the last few months, the board and David mutually agreed that now is the time for Audubon to find new leadership to create our next strategic plan and to address many of the culture issues that have come to light. 

We have a talented and highly committed staff, strong chapter leaders and volunteers, passionate members and donors, and a grassroots network that is second to none—the Board believes it is critical that we have the right plan and leadership to fulfill our mission and live up to our values for the long-term.

David has accomplished much for our organization over the past nearly eleven years, recentering our work on bird conservation, recognizing the full power of our chapter and volunteer network, improving fundraising, and building our membership.

As a result of this transition, I will step into the role of interim CEO while a search for a successor is conducted, which will consider both internal and external candidates. 

I will be working closely with Jamaal Nelson, our new Chief Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer to continue our equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives.

We thank you for all the work that you do for Audubon and greatly appreciate your support. 

If you have any questions about this leadership change, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.  

Warmly, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Gray, Ph.D.
President and Chief Conservation Officer