On Saturday, November 12, the College Park Aviation Museum and Prince George’s Audubon Society joined forces to offer a bird walk with a different slant. PGAS President Ken Cohen headed up the avian part; he pointed us to downy and red-bellied woodpeckers and a red-tailed hawk, and we learned the difference between black and turkey vultures. PGAS Secretary Sallie McElrath pointed out invasive plants like porcelainberry that endanger the habitat these birds need to thrive, and Kim Schwartz of MNPCCP gave the aviation slant, with a fascinating look at how humans learned to fly by studying bird flight. It stimulated the brain and piqued the curiosity in not one, not two, but three ways. I hope they do it again sometime soon.
It was an absolutely beautiful fall day.
PGAS President Ken Cohen talks with participants, among them young birders from Watkins Regional Park.