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James McCann speaking about Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland

  Sign in to Zoom at 7:00 pm for informal social time before the presentation. According to recent records, Maryland is home to 128 species of dragonflies and 57 species of damselflies. Collectively known as odonates, dragonflies and damselflies have attracted the attention of many birders because of their beautiful forms and identification challenges. Associated in general with water environments, many odonate species have extremely particular microhabitat requirements. James McCann, State Zoologist with the Wildlife and Heritage Service in the MD Department of Natural Resources, will take us on an armchair tour of some of Maryland’s fascinating odonates and their habitats. Jim is an expert on Maryland’s rare, threatened and endangered species and on the habitats that support them. This program, sponsored by Patuxent Bird Club and PGAS, will be presented via Zoom and is free and open to the public. Advance registration is required and seats are limited. Please register no later than midnight of Sunday, February 6.

To register, go to the registration form at Your Zoom link will be sent by email on Monday, February 7, but only if you register before then. 

 Bonus: Those interested in doing some pre-exploration of the topic can take a look at the dragonfly and damselfly resources provided by Richard Orr, state Odonota records compiler