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Patuxent River Park

Wednesday, May 4 – A Morning on the Patuxent: Pontoon Boat Trip with Bird Walk and Driving Tour

Matt Felperin has arranged for a morning outing on the Patuxent River, just when the migrants will be moving through and breeding birds settling in. There will be three components to this outing, and it’s possible to do all three or only one or two. 

1. Pontoon Boat Trip:  A roughly two-hour trip on the river at Jug Bay, starting at dawn, when birds are peak singing time. The trip will include the Jug Bay section of the river as well as Western Branch and the mouth of Railroad Creek. Target birds include Least Bittern, Marshwren, Prothonotary Warbler. Cost: $6 per person, payable at the dock. Bring cash in the exact amount as we will not be able to make change. Meet at Jackson Landing at 5:30 am. 

2. Bird Walk in the Black Walnut Nature Study Area: Matt will lead us on a short walk along the trails and boardwalks of the Black Walnut Study Area adjacent to the boat dock at Jackson Landing. Prothonotary Warbler breeds here and it’s a good spot for migrant warblers. No cost. Meet at parking lot for the Jackson Landing Boat Dock at 8 am. 

3. Critical Area Driving Tour: Either by carpool or by park bus, we will take the Critical Area Driving Tour from Selby’s Landing to the Mattaponi Creek bridge, and then continue on into Merkle Natural Resources Management Area. The Driving Tour provides good habitat for both orioles, Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, Wood Thrush, Summer Tanager, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-breasted Chat, maybe Bobolink, and assorted warblers. We’ll try for rails along the way. No cost. Meet at Jackson Landing at 9 am to join for this portion, which will conclude about 11:30 am. 

Bring a hat, sunscreen, a water bottle, and snacks.  Masks may be needed depending on county regulations at the time. Request reservations by email to Matt Felperin (, no later than April 30. Be sure to indicate if you are signing up for #1, #2, #3 or all three. Preference will be given to  Patuxent Bird Club and Prince George’s Audubon Society members. 

For directions and maps to Jackson Landing, see  Also see the description for Merkle NRMA at